just to keep things my homepage a reasonable length, old blogposts will get archived here.


I'm entering Yurijam 2024

my (presently untitled) entry is a shitty terrible eroge vn with icky transbian elf sex and also it's kind of a final fantasy fangame in an obtuse way (like, it's final fantasy in the same way that a lot of fantasy settings are based on DnD or lord of the rings or wizardry or w/e). it follows enid, half-elf and knight attendant to lady hilda siegfrid, human arcanist and heiress of a powerful noble family with ties to the monarchist government.

look, it's them! ^

there likely won't be much to it other than the self-indulgent smut angle, but I've never made something like this before, and I'm not exactly a strong writer anyway. so yeah it's definitely helpful that i'm not exactly aspiring to much with this lol. maybe i'll actually even finish it :v


now that i've made this site centered around the media i consume and enjoy, i'm realizing i don't really like talking about media that much but just kinda end up doing it a lot anyway because i don't go outside and therefore don't have much else to talk about.


lmao wow i'm in website no wayyyyy dude